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BLAS are Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms written in Fortran77. There are Level 1 (scalar and vector operations), Level 2 (scalar-matrix operations) and Level 3 (matrix-matrix operations) subprograms. They are available at [1] as tarballs of F77 source files and are un-optimized for any particular architecture. LAPACK can also provide un-optimized BLAS libraries if desired.

ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) will provide C and F77 interfaces to a BLAS implementation optimized for a specific machine architecture.

The ideal source of BLAS and LAPACK libraries are those provided by the microprocesor vendor such as AMD's ACML. However, these are not provided under a license that allows re-distribution.



  • gcc-3.X.X Benchmarking by the ATLAS maintainers indicates that, with the exception of Core Duo and Pentium M, compiling ATLAS with gcc-3.X produces better x87 code than gcc-4.X[2].

Non-Multilib or Multilib

Compile the package:


The configuration is interactive. Simply follow the instructions presented on the screen.

Install the package:

   make install <TARGET_MAKEFILE>

Where <TARGET_MAKEFILE> will be displayed at the completion of the previous step.


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