Revision as of 13:10, 16 April 2007 by Jciccone (talk | contribs)
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Introduction to LibTIFF

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Compile the package:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&

Install the package

make install



Compile the package:

CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD32}" \
USE_ARCH=32 LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib" \
./configure --prefix=/usr &&

Install the package

make install


Compile the package:

CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILDN32}" \
USE_ARCH=n32 LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib32" \
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib32 &&

Install the package

make install


Compile the package:

CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD64}" \
USE_ARCH=64 LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib64" \
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 &&

Install the package

make install


Installed Programs: bmp2tiff, fax2ps, fax2tiff, gif2tiff, pal2rgb, ppm2tiff, ras2tiff, raw2tiff, rgb2ycbcr, thumbnail, tiff2bw, tiff2pdf, tiff2ps, tiff2rgba, tiffcmp, tiffcp, tiffdither, tiffdump, tiffgt, tiffinfo, tiffmedian, tiffset, and tiffsplit
Installed Libraries: libtiff.{so,a} and libtiffxx.{so,a}
Installed Directories: /usr/share/doc/tiff-4.0.3

Short Descriptions

bmp2tiff converts a Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap image file to a TIFF image.
fax2ps converts a TIFF facsimile to compressed PostScript file.
fax2tiff creates a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax data.
gif2tiff creates a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image file.
pal2rgb converts a palette color TIFF image to a full color image.
ppm2tiff creates a TIFF file from a PPM image file.
ras2tiff creates a TIFF file from a Sun rasterfile.
raw2tiff converts a raw byte sequence into TIFF.
rgb2ycbcr converts non-YCbCr TIFF images to YCbCr TIFF images.
thumbnail creates a TIFF file with thumbnail images.
tiff2bw converts a color TIFF image to grayscale.
tiff2pdf converts a TIFF image to a PDF document.
tiff2ps converts a TIFF image to a PostScript file.
tiff2rgba converts a wide variety of TIFF images into an RGBA TIFF image.
tiffcmp compares two TIFF files.
tiffcp copies (and possibly converts) a TIFF file.
tiffdither converts a grayscale image to bilevel using dithering.
tiffdump prints verbatim information about TIFF files.
tiffgt displays an image stored in a TIFF file in an X window.
tiffinfo prints information about TIFF files.
tiffmedian applies the median cut algorithm to data in a TIFF file.
tiffset sets the value of a TIFF header to a specified value.
tiffsplit splits a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files.
libtiff.{so,a} contains the API functions used by the libtiff programs as well as other programs to read and write TIFF files.
libtiffxx.{so,a} contains the C++ API functions used by programs to read and write TIFF files.
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