Download Source: | http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/ |
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There are five utilities. Note that the download source, above is the base URL. Each could be downloaded individually, but it is probably easiest to use wget and append either *.bz2 or *.gz to the base URL to pull them all down to your system.
The protocols are, in build order:
- xorg-cf-files
- imake
- gccmakedep
- lndir
- makedepend
First install the xorg-cf-files package with the following commands:
sed -i "s@/usr/X11R6@$XORG_PREFIX@" X11.tmpl && ./configure $XORG_CONFIG && make install
Build the five remaining packages with the standard build commands:
./configure $XORG_CONFIG && make
Install the package:
make install
First install the xorg-cf-files package with the following commands:
sed -i "s@/usr/X11R6@$XORG_PREFIX@" X11.tmpl && CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH32}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIG32 && make install
Next, install the imake package with the following commands:
CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH32}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIG32 --with-script-preproc-cmd="gcc ${BUILD32} -E" && make && make install && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/imake{,-32} && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/xmkmf{,-32} && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/ccmakedep{,-32}
Next, install the gccmakedep package with the following commands:
sed -i '/-DCCCMD=/s/$(CC)/"\\"&\\""/' Makefile.in && CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" ./configure $XORG_CONFIG32 && make && make install && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/gccmakedep{,-32}
Build the three remaining packages with the standard build commands:
CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH32}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIG32 && make
Install the package:
make install
First, install the xorg-cf-files package with the following commands:
sed -i "s@/usr/X11R6@$XORG_PREFIX@" X11.tmpl && CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILDN32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATHN32}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIGN32 && make install
Next, install the imake package with the following commands:
CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILDN32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATHN32}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIGN32 --with-script-preproc-cmd="gcc ${BUILDN32} -E" && make && make install && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/imake{,-n32} && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/xmkmf{,-n32} && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/ccmakedep{,-n32}
Next, install the gccmakedep package with the following commands:
sed -i '/-DCCCMD=/s/$(CC)/"\\"&\\""/' Makefile.in && CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" ./configure $XORG_CONFIGN32 && make && make install && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/gccmakedep{,-n32}
Build the three remaining packages with the standard build commands:
CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILDN32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATHN32}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIGN32 && make
Install the package:
make install
First, install the xorg-cf-files package with the following commands:
sed -i "s@/usr/X11R6@$XORG_PREFIX@" X11.tmpl && CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD64}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH64}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIG64 && make install
Next, install the imake package with the following commands:
CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD64}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH64}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIG64 --with-script-preproc-cmd="gcc ${BUILD64} -E" && make && make install && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/imake{,-64} && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/xmkmf{,-64} && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/ccmakedep{,-64} && ln -sfv /usr/bin/multiarch_wrapper ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/imake && ln -sfv /usr/bin/multiarch_wrapper ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/xmkmf && ln -sfv /usr/bin/multiarch_wrapper ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/ccmakedep
Next, install the gccmakedep package with the following commands:
sed -i '/-DCCCMD=/s/$(CC)/"\\"&\\""/' Makefile.in && CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" ./configure $XORG_CONFIG64 && make && make install && mv -v ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/gccmakedep{,-64} && ln -sfv /usr/bin/multiarch_wrapper ${XORG_PREFIX}/bin/gccmakedep
Build the three remaining packages with the standard build commands:
CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD64}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH64}" \ ./configure $XORG_CONFIG64 && make
Install the package:
make install
Next install the Libraries