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m (Create and Update Environment Variables)
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=Pre-Installation Configuration=
== Gnome Core Packages ==
==Installation Strategies==
//Updated as of 12-05-2010//
If you're committed to GNOME as your desktop, you will likely install it in the /usr hierarchy.  If less committed, or you prefer to install GNOME in an easy to remove location, the /opt hierarchy may be more suitable.  A third option, which simplifies version changes in the future, would be to install GNOME in a versioned directory and create a non-versioned symbolic link.
==Create and Update Environment Variables==
Set an environment variable for the prefix destination, if you wish.  Option 1:
  export GNOME=/usr
Option 2:
  export GNOME=/opt/gnome-2.16
Option 3:
  install -dv -m755 /opt/gnome-2.16
  ln -sv gnome-2.16 /opt/gnome
  export GNOME=/opt/gnome
If installing GNOME in other than the /usr hierarchy, some configuration changes are needed.  If using a symbolic link, replace gnome-2.14 with gnome in the following commands.
Update or add paths in the system or user profile.
  export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gnome-2.16/bin
  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/gnome-2.16/lib/pkgconfig
  export GNOME_LIB_PATH=/usr/lib:/opt/gnome-2.16/lib
Add the GNOME library path to your /etc/ld.so.conf then execute '''ldconfig''' as the ''root'' user.
  echo /opt/gnome-2.16/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf
You'll need to have an [[X Window System]] installed, either Xorg or XFree86.  Commence GNOME installation.
* [[Gnome Pre-Installation Configuration]]
* [[ORBit2]]
* [[ORBit2]]
* [[GNOME Doc-Utils]]
* [[Shared-MIME-Info]]
* [[GConf]]
* [[libbonobo]]
* [[libbonobo]]
* [[GConf]]
* [[GAIL]]
* [[GNOME-MIME-Data]]
* [[GNOME-MIME-Data]]
* [[Desktop-file-utils]]
* [[gvfs]]
* [[GNOME Virtual File System]]
* [[GNOME Virtual File System]]
* [[libgnome]]
* [[libgnome]]
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* [[GNOME Keyring]]
* [[GNOME Keyring]]
* [[libgnomeui]]
* [[libgnomeui]]
* [[GNOME Menus]]
* [[libGTop]]
* [[GTK Engines]]
* [[GTK Engines]]
* [[GNOME Themes]]
* [[GNOME Themes]]
* [[GNOME Doc-Utils]]
* [[GNOME Desktop]]
* [[GNOME Desktop]]
* [[EEL]]
* [[libUnique]]
* [[Nautilus]]
* [[libgnomekbd]]
* [[libGWeather]]
* [[GNOME Panel]]
* [[Gnome Settings Daemon]]
* [[Control Center]]
* [[GNOME Applets]]
* [[GNOME Backgrounds]]
* [[GNOME Backgrounds]]
* [[GNOME Menu]]
* [[GNOME Panel]]
* [[GNOME Session]]
* [[GNOME Session]]
* [[VTE]]
* [[GNOME Terminal]]
* [[GNOME Terminal]]
* [[GNOME Applets]]
* [[GNOME User Docs]]
* [[Nautilus]]
* [[Control Center]]
* [[Yelp]]
* [[Yelp]]
* [[GNOME User Docs]]
== Gnome Additional Packages ==
=== Libraries ===
//Updated as of 12-05-2010//
* [[libgnomecups]]
* [[libgnomedb]]
* [[libgnomeprint]]
* [[libgnomeprintui]]
* [[liboobs]]
* [[Evolution Data Server]]
* [[GNOME Spell]]
* [[GtkHTML]]
* [[gtksourceview]]
* [[gnome-audio]]
=== Utilities ===
* [[Abiword]]
* [[Alacarte]]
* [[Beagle]]
* [[bug-buddy]]
* [[Cheese]]
* [[Dia]]
* [[Deskbar Applet]]
* [[EOG]]
* [[Ekiga]]
* [[Epiphany]]
* [[evince]]
* [[Fast User Switch Applet]]
* [[File Roller]]
* [[gcalctool]]
* [[GConf Editor]]
* [[GDM]]
* [[gedit]]
* [[GNOME Device Manager]]
* [[GNOME Games]]
* [[GNOME Keyring Manager]]
* [[GNOME Media]]
* [[GNOME Music Player Client]]
* [[GNOME Pilot]]
* [[GNOME Pilot Conduits]]
* [[GNOME Power Manager]]
* [[GNOME Utilities]]
* [[GNOME System Monitor]]
* [[GNOME System Tools]]
* [[gnome-bluetooth]]
* [[gnome-mount]]
* [[gnome-netstatus]]
* [[gnome-screensaver]]
* [[gnome-volume-manager]]
* [[Gnumeric]]
* [[Gpdf]]
* [[gucharmap]]
* [[Nautilus CD Burner]]
* [[NetworkManager]]
* [[planner]]
* [[Rhythmbox]]
* [[Seahorse]]
* [[Sound Juicer]]
* [[system-tools-backends]]
* [[Totem]]
* [[Vala]]
* [[Vinagre]]
* [[Vino]]
* [[Zenity]]
=== C++ Bindings ===
* [[Bakery]]
* [[libgnomecanvasmm]]
* [[gnome-vfsmm]]
* [[GConfmm]]
* [[libgnomemm]]
* [[libgnomeuimm]]
=== Programming Tools ===
* [[GNOME Build]]
* [[Anjuta]]
=== Accessibility ===
* [[AT-SPI]]
* [[GNOME Magnifier]]
* [[GNOME Speech]]
* [[GOK]]
* [[libgail-gnome]]
[[Category:Desktop Environments]]

Latest revision as of 03:38, 7 December 2010

Gnome Core Packages

//Updated as of 12-05-2010//

Gnome Additional Packages


//Updated as of 12-05-2010//


C++ Bindings

Programming Tools


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