ALSA Utilities
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Introduction to ALSA Utilities
The ALSA Utilities package contains various utilities which are useful for controlling your sound card.
Compile the package:
./configure && make
Install the package
make install
This package does not provide any libraries so only one installation is needed.
Compile the package:
CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" ./configure && make
Install the package
make install
Compile the package:
CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" ./configure && make
Install the package
make install
Compile the package:
CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" ./configure && make
Install the package
make install
Configuration Information
Use a bootscript to store the values at shutdown.
As the root user, install the init script /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsa included in the blfs-bootscripts package.
make install-alsa
Note that all channels of your sound card are muted by default. You can use the alsamixer program from the ALSA Utilities to change this.
The first time the alsactl program is run from the udev rule below, it will complain that there is no state in /etc/asound.state. You can prevent this by running the following commands as the root user:
touch /etc/asound.state && alsactl store
As the root user, install a new Udev rules file to create the audio device nodes and run the restore script:
cat > /etc/udev/rules.d/15-alsa.rules << "EOF" # Give the audio group ownership of sound devices SUBSYSTEM=="sound", GROUP="audio" SUBSYSTEM=="snd", GROUP="audio" # ALSA Devices # When a sound device is detected, restore the volume settings KERNEL=="controlC[0-9]*", NAME="snd/%k", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/sbin/alsactl restore %n" KERNEL=="hw[CD0-9]*", NAME="snd/%k" KERNEL=="pcm[CD0-9cp]*", NAME="snd/%k" KERNEL=="midiC[D0-9]*", NAME="snd/%k" KERNEL=="timer", NAME="snd/%k" KERNEL=="seq", NAME="snd/%k" EOF chmod 644 /etc/udev/rules.d/15-alsa.rules
- Note for users with multiple soundcards
Alsa tutorial for multiple soundcards
- Installed Programs: alsactl, alsaconf, alsamixer, amidi, amixer, aplay, iecset, aconnect, aplaymidi, arecordmidi, aseqdump, aseqnet, speaker-test
- Installed Directories: /usr/share/alsa/speaker-test, /usr/share/sounds/alsa