DocBook XSL Stylesheets

Revision as of 16:41, 16 May 2010 by Jciccone (talk | contribs)
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Introduction to DocBook XSL Stylesheets

The DocBook XSL Stylesheets package contains XSL stylesheets. These are useful for performing transformations on XML DocBook files.

Project Homepage: Unknown



Non-Multilib or Multilib

If you downloaded the optional documentation tarball, unpack it when you unpack the source tarball. The documentation tarball unpacks into subdirectories of the source tree.

Install DocBook XSL Stylesheets by running the following commands:

install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.78.1 &&
cp -v -R VERSION common eclipse extensions fo highlighting html \
         htmlhelp images javahelp lib manpages params \
         profiling slides template website xhtml \

If you downloaded the optional documentation tarball, install the documentation by issuing the following commands

install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/docbook-xsl-1.78.1 &&
cp -v -R doc/* /usr/share/doc/docbook-xsl-1.78.1

Create (or append) and populate the XML catalog file using the following commands:

if [ ! -d /etc/xml ]; then install -v -m755 -d /etc/xml; fi &&
if [ ! -f /etc/xml/catalog ]; then
    xmlcatalog --noout --create /etc/xml/catalog
fi &&
xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
           "" \
           "/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.78.1" \
    /etc/xml/catalog &&
xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
           "" \
           "/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.78.1" \
    /etc/xml/catalog &&
xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteSystem" \
           "" \
           "/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.78.1" \
    /etc/xml/catalog &&
xmlcatalog --noout --add "rewriteURI" \
           "" \
           "/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.78.1" \