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Introduction to TOMOYO

The fundamental concept of TOMOYO Linux is "tracking process invocation history". TOMOYO Linux splits domains using "process invocation history" and the process transits to a different domain whenever execution of a program (i.e. do_execve()) is requested. By transiting to a different domain whenever execution of a program is requested, each domain will have the minimal permissions that are essential for processes in that domain to do their roles. For more information, see .

Project Homepage:


  • None (no more package required for LFS Linux.)

Building TOMOYO aware kernels

Kernel with TOMOYO 1.7.2-2010804

Download the ccs-patch-1.7.2-2010804.tar.gz file and put it in kernel source directory, Patch the kernel source:

tar xzvf ccs-patch-1.7.2-2010804.tar.gz &&
patch -Np1 -i patches/ccs-patch-2.6.32.diff

Run "make menuconfig" and go to "Security options" screen and select as below.

[*] CCSecurity support
(2048) Default maximal count for learning mode
(/sbin/ccs-init) Default policy loader
(/sbin/ccs-start) Alternative activation trigger
(/sbin/modprobe /sbin/hotplug) Built-in domain initializer programs
[*]   Auditing interface support
(1024)  Default maximal count for grant log
(1024)  Default maximal count for reject log

Compile and install a new TOMOYO aware kernel.

TOMOYO 2.2.0

Download 2.6.30 (or later) from and extract it.

Run "make menuconfig" and go to "Security options" screen and select "TOMOYO Linux support" as shown below.

[ ] Enable access key retention support
[*] Enable different security models
-*- Enable the securityfs filesystem
[ ] Socket and Networking Security Hooks
-*- Security hooks for pathname based access control
[ ] File POSIX Capabilities
(0) Low address space to protect from user allocation
[*] TOMOYO Linux Support

Compile and install a new TOMOYO aware kernel.

Building TOMOYO Tools

Download the ccs-tools-1.6.8-20100115.tar.gz (for TOMOYO 2.2) or ccs-tools-1.7.1-20100110.tar.gz (for TOMOYO 1.7) file and put it somewhere.

Change directory to ccstools/ .


Compile the package:


Install the package:

make install



Compile the package:

make CC="gcc ${BUILD32}"

Install the package:

make install


Compile the package:

sed -i 's@/usr/lib@/usr/lib32@g' Makefile &&
make CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}"

Install the package:

make install


Compile the package:

sed -i 's@/usr/lib@/usr/lib64@g' Makefile &&
make CC="gcc ${BUILD64}"

Install the package:

make install


TOMOYO 1.7.2-2010804

Run init_policy to perform initial configuration.


You will get initial configuration files in /etc/ccs/ directory.

You can save audit logs if you do below steps.

cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/ccs-auditd << EOF
/usr/sbin/ccs-auditd /dev/null /var/log/tomoyo/reject_log.txt
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/ccs-auditd
for i in 2 3 4 5; do
ln -sv ../init.d/ccs-auditd /etc/rc.d/rc${i}.d/S99ccs-auditd; done
mkdir -p /var/log/tomoyo

You can start your system from Learning Mode if you do below steps.

echo '<kernel>' > /etc/ccs/domain_policy.conf
echo 'use_profile 1' >> /etc/ccs/domain_policy.conf

TOMOYO 2.2.0

Run to perform initial configuration.


You will get initial configuration files in /etc/tomoyo/ directory.

You can start your system from Learning Mode if you do below steps.

echo '<kernel>' > /etc/tomoyo/domain_policy.conf
echo 'use_profile 1' >> /etc/tomoyo/domain_policy.conf

Booting TOMOYO Linux

TOMOYO 1.7.2-2010804

You can use boot parameter CCS=<name> to load profile /etc/ccs/profile-<name>.conf . Without CCS= parameter or <name> is "default", /etc/ccs/profile.conf will be loaded. You can use CCS=ask to let user select from available profiles in /etc/ccs/ at boot time You can use CCS=disable to boot as usual Linux (i.e. without TOMOYO protection).

root=/dev/hda8 ro vga=791 video=neofb:ywrap,mtrr acpi=off CCS=default

TOMOYO 2.2.0

Same as TOMOYO 1.7.2-2010804, except that the policies are loaded from /etc/tomoyo/ directory.

But, be sure to add security=tomoyo parameter.

root=/dev/hda8 ro vga=791 video=neofb:ywrap,mtrr acpi=off CCS=default security=tomoyo

Configuring Policy to Guard Linux as Needed

Login to the system as root user, and run editpolicy included in TOMOYO Linux tools.



Download Tools Source: (for TOMOYO 1.7) (for TOMOYO 2.2)
Download Kernel Patch:
Installed Directories: /sbin
Installed Programs: ccs-init, tomoyo-init
Installed Libraries:

Installed Directories: /usr/sbin
Installed Programs: ccs-editpolicy, ccs-setlevel, ccs-setprofile, ccs-ccstree, ccs-savepolicy, ccs-auditd, ccs-findtemp, ccs-sortpolicy, ccs-ld-watch, ccs-queryd, ccs-checkpolicy
Installed Libraries:

Installed Directories: /usr/lib/ccs
Installed Programs:,, editpolicy, setlevel, setprofile, ccstree, savepolicy, makesyaoranconf, ccs-auditd, ccs-notifyd, findtemp, sortpolicy, ld-watch, ccs-queryd, checkpolicy
Installed Libraries:

Short Descriptions

ccs-editpolicy Edits the current policy in /proc/ccs/ or /sys/kernel/security/tomoyo/ directory
ccs-setlevel Changes the current control level (i.e. writing to /proc/ccs/profile or /sys/kernel/security/tomoyo/profile ) and displays the new control level.
ccs-setprofile Assigns a profile to domains.
ccs-pstree (for TOMOYO 1.7) ccs-ccstree (for TOMOYO 2.2) Lists the domainnames of currently running processes belong to and the profile numbers the domains currently assigned to.
ccs-savepolicy Saves the on-memory policy onto disk.
ccs-auditd Reads from /proc/ccs/grant_log and /proc/ccs/reject_log and writes to the location given in the commandline parameters.
ccs-sortpolicy Remove duplicated entry from logs written by "ccs-auditd".
ccs-findtemp Reads domain policy from standard input and checks the existence of pathnames, and dumps the nonexistent pathnames.
ccs-ld-watch Appends shared libraries to exception policy automatically using "allow_read" directive when the location of shared libraries in /etc/ has changed.
ccs-queryd Detects policy violation and displays the access request. You can tell the system whether the access request should be granted (or granted and policy should be appended to grant the access request) or rejected after you validate the access request.

By running this program while updating packages, you can avoid errors due to insufficient permissions.

Never grant access requests unconditionally. The cause of policy violation is not always updating packages, but may by malicious requests by attackers. If you grant access requests caused by malicious requests by attackers, the system gets intruded.

ccs-checkpolicy Reads policy files from standard input and checks syntaxes.
ccs-init Loads policy files from /etc/ccs/ directory. Put this program as /sbin/ccs-init , and this program will be invoked automatically when execution of /sbin/init is requested by initrd.
tomoyo-init Loads policy files from /etc/tomoyo/ directory. Put this program as /sbin/tomoyo-init , and this program will be invoked automatically when execution of /sbin/init is requested by initrd.
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