
Revision as of 03:38, 24 April 2009 by Xep (talk | contribs) (+'-no-exceptions'; +gcc<4 note)
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Download Source: ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-all-opensource-src-4.8.5.tar.bz2

Introduction to Qt4-Common

Qt is a comprehensive development framework that includes an extensive array of features, capabilities and tools that enable development of high-performance, cross-platform rich-client and server-side applications. Qt is the GUI framework on which KDE4 is built and Qt4 is the version of Qt that the KDE4 is use. You can of course use Qt for non-KDE applications as well, but if you wish to use KDE4 or any KDE4-based applications, you must have Qt4 installed on your system.

Project Homepage: http://www.qtsoftware.com/products/appdev




Configuration Information

If you would like to compile with MySQL support add the following to the configure command:

-plugin-sql-mysql -I/usr/include/mysql

If you would like to compile with PostgreSQL support add the following to the configure command:

-plugin-sql-psql -I/usr/include/postgresql/server

If you would like to compile with SQLite support add the following to the configure command:

-plugin-sql-sqlite2 -system-sqlite

If you would like to compile with SQLite3 support add the following to the configure command:

-plugin-sql-sqlite -system-sqlite

If you would like to compile with unixODBC support add the following to the configure command:


If you would like to compile with NAS support add the following to the configure command:


If you would like to disable Qt 3 support functionality add the following to the configure command:


If you would like to disable QtWebKit module add the following to the configure command:


If you would like to disable linking Qt libraries and executables using the library install path as a runtime library path add the following to the configure command:


If you don't need qxmlpatterns add the following to the configure command (since only qxmlpatterns requires this):


If your X Window System is NOT Xorg, then add to configure:


If you want optimized qmake tool add the following to the configure command:


If you would like to disable GLib event loop (which is known to be buggy) add the following to the configure command:



Also you can disable GLib event loop at runtime by setting NO_GLIB environment variable to 1.

If you don't want to compile demos (save compile time) add the following to the configure command:

-nomake demos

If you don't want to compile examples (save compile time) add the following to the configure command:

-nomake examples

If your GCC is NOT gcc4 you probably need to disable visibility explicitly. Just add the following to the configure command:
