Jump to navigationJump to searchDownload Source: | http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/nspr/releases/v4.9.4/src/nspr-4.9.4.tar.gz |
Introduction to NSPR
Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) provides a platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions. The API is used in the Mozilla clients and many of Red Hat's, Sun's, and other software offerings.
Project Homepage: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/nspr/
Create a build directory:
mkdir -v build && cd build
If building on pure64 (x86_64 at least perhaps others) add this to the configure line below:
Compile the package:
../mozilla/nsprpub/configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --disable-debug --disable-ipv6 --enable-system-sqlite && make
Install the package
make install && chmod 644 /usr/lib/lib{nspr4,plc4,plds4}.a && rm -fv /usr/bin/{compile-et.pl,prerr.properties}
Create the pkg-config file:
cat > /usr/lib/pkgconfig/nspr.pc << "EOF" prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr/bin libdir=/usr/lib includedir=/usr/include/nspr Name: NSPR Description: The Netscape Portable Runtime Version: %NSPR_VERSION% Libs: %FULL_NSPR_LIBS% Cflags: %FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS% EOF
sed -i -e "s@%NSPR_VERSION%@$(./config/nspr-config --version)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_LIBS%@$(./config/nspr-config --libs)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS%@$(./config/nspr-config --cflags)@" \ /usr/lib/pkgconfig/nspr.pc
chmod 644 /usr/lib/pkgconfig/nspr.pc ln -sf nspr.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/mozilla-nspr.pc
Create a build directory:
mkdir -v build && cd build
Compile the package:
CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH32}" USE_ARCH=32 \ ../mozilla/nsprpub/configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --disable-debug --disable-ipv6 --enable-system-sqlite && make
Install the package
make install && chmod 644 /usr/lib/lib{nspr4,plc4,plds4}.a && rm -fv /usr/bin/{compile-et.pl,prerr.properties} && mv -v /usr/bin/nspr-config{,-32}
Create the pkg-config file:
cat > /usr/lib/pkgconfig/nspr.pc << "EOF" prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr/bin libdir=/usr/lib includedir=/usr/include/nspr Name: NSPR Description: The Netscape Portable Runtime Version: %NSPR_VERSION% Libs: %FULL_NSPR_LIBS% Cflags: %FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS% EOF
sed -i -e "s@%NSPR_VERSION%@$(./config/nspr-config --version)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_LIBS%@$(./config/nspr-config --libs)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS%@$(./config/nspr-config --cflags)@" \ /usr/lib/pkgconfig/nspr.pc
chmod 644 /usr/lib/pkgconfig/nspr.pc ln -sf nspr.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/mozilla-nspr.pc
Create a build directory:
mkdir -v build && cd build
Compile the package:
CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATHN32}" USE_ARCH=N32 \ ../mozilla/nsprpub/configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib32 --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --disable-debug --disable-ipv6 --enable-system-sqlite && make
Install the package
make install && chmod 644 /usr/lib32/lib{nspr4,plc4,plds4}.a && rm -fv /usr/bin/{compile-et.pl,prerr.properties} && mv -v /usr/bin/nspr-config{,-n32}
Create the pkg-config file:
cat > /usr/lib32/pkgconfig/nspr.pc << "EOF" prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr/bin libdir=/usr/lib32 includedir=/usr/include/nspr Name: NSPR Description: The Netscape Portable Runtime Version: %NSPR_VERSION% Libs: %FULL_NSPR_LIBS% Cflags: %FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS% EOF
sed -i -e "s@%NSPR_VERSION%@$(./config/nspr-config --version)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_LIBS%@$(./config/nspr-config --libs)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS%@$(./config/nspr-config --cflags)@" \ /usr/lib32/pkgconfig/nspr.pc
chmod 644 /usr/lib32/pkgconfig/nspr.pc ln -sf nspr.pc /usr/lib32/pkgconfig/mozilla-nspr.pc
Create a build directory:
mkdir -v build && cd build
Compile the package:
CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH64}" USE_ARCH=64 \ ../mozilla/nsprpub/configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --disable-debug --disable-ipv6 --enable-system-sqlite --enable-64bit && make
Install the package
make install && chmod 644 /usr/lib64/lib{nspr4,plc4,plds4}.a && rm -fv /usr/bin/{compile-et.pl,prerr.properties} && mv -v /usr/bin/nspr-config{,-64} && ln -sfv multiarch_wrapper /usr/bin/nspr-config
Create the pkg-config file:
cat > /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/nspr.pc << "EOF" prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr/bin libdir=/usr/lib64 includedir=/usr/include/nspr Name: NSPR Description: The Netscape Portable Runtime Version: %NSPR_VERSION% Libs: %FULL_NSPR_LIBS% Cflags: %FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS% EOF
sed -i -e "s@%NSPR_VERSION%@$(./config/nspr-config --version)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_LIBS%@$(./config/nspr-config --libs)@" \ -e "s@%FULL_NSPR_CFLAGS%@$(./config/nspr-config --cflags)@" \ /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/nspr.pc
chmod 644 /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/nspr.pc ln -sf nspr.pc /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/mozilla-nspr.pc