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Download Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lcdproc/files/lcdproc/0.5.3/lcdproc-0.5.3.tar.gz

Introduction to LCDproc

LCDproc is a package that allows real-time system information from your Linux box to be displayed on an external LCD screen. Many LCD devices are supported, as are many clients that allow you to display details such as CPU load, system up-time, system load, memory usage, the list goes on...

Project Homepage: http://lcdproc.org


Optional (For USB LCD support)

Optional (For the Lis driver)

Configuration Information

--enable-drivers=<list>: <list> is a commer seperated list of LCD drivers to include in build, 'all' enables all drivers. Alternativly select drivers from the following: bayrad, CFontz, CFontz633, CFontzPacket, curses, CwLnx, ea65, EyeboxOne, g15, glcdlib, glk, hd44780, i2500vfd, icp_a106, imon, imonlcd, IOWarrior, irman, irtrans, joy, lb216, lcdm001, lcterm, lirc, lis, MD8800, ms6931, mtc_s16209x, MtxOrb, mx5000, NoritakeVFD, picolcd, pyramid, sed1330, sed1520, serialPOS, serialVFD, shuttleVFD, sli, stv5730, svga, t6963, text, tyan, ula200, xosd
--enable-testmenus: This option enables server test menus.
--enable-stat-nfs: This option allows stats from NFS filesystem to be displayed in lcdproc client
--enable-stat-smbfs: This option allows stats from SMBFS filesystem to be displayed in lcdproc client
--disable-libusb: This option disables support for libusb if USB is not required.
--disable-libftdi: This option disables support for FTDI chips if not required.
--disable-ethlcd: This option disables support for an eithernet LCD device if not required.


Compile the package:

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-drivers=all \
 --enable-permissive-menu-goto --enable-lcdproc-menus &&

Install the whole package or choose to install either the server or client:

make install
make install-server
make install-client


This package does not provide any libraries or other ABI-specific information so only one installation is required.


Compile the package:

CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 \
 --enable-drivers=all --enable-permissive-menu-goto  --enable-lcdproc-menus &&

Install the whole package or choose to install either the server or client:

make install
make install-server
make install-client


There are two main configuration files that will need to be edited, '/etc/LCDd.conf' is the server configuration file that contains details regarding the driver to use and the connection to the device. The main section in this file is the '[server]' section where we select the driver to use and the driver sections are where we edit the specified drivers options such as connection, and LCD size etc.

We also have the '/etc/lcdproc.conf' client configuration file that allows us to edit the settings of the client including server address, port, etc.

These files are very clearly laid out so there should be no problems editing them with your favorite text editor, such as vim:

vim /etc/LCDd.conf
vim /etc/lcdproc.conf


Installed Directories: /path/to/dir
Installed Programs: LCDd, lcdproc, lcdexec, lcdvc

Short Descriptions

LCDd is the LCDproc server daemon.
lcdproc is a client for LCDd that displays system status information on the connected LCD.
lcdexec is another LCDproc client that allows commands to be executed from the LCDd menu.
lcdvc is a virtual LCDproc display that can be run from within a shell.