Berkeley DB

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Introduction to Berkeley DB

The Berkeley DB package contains programs and utilities used by many other applications for database related functions.

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Additional Configuration Options

--enable-java: Enables the building of the Berkeley DB Java API (JDK).

--enable-pthread_api: Enables the POSIX thread library.

--enable-tcl: Enables the bulding of the Berkeley DB TCL API. You will need the --with-tcl=DIR flag if you use this one.

--enable-test: Enables the building of the test suite. The Berkeley DB TCL API must be built to run the test suite.

--with-tcl=DIR: This flag tells configure where TCL's is located. The default is /usr/local/lib, so if you want to enable TCL support in Berkeley DB, you will need to use this flag. will be in /usr/lib, /usr/lib32, or /usr/lib64 - depending on which architecture you're building for.

Test Suite Notes

Berkeley DB has a very extensive test suite. It will take hours - possibly half the day - to run. In addition, it's pretty much a guarantee that you'll have at least a few errors. So, think twice - perhaps even three or four times - before running it.

If you decide that you actually want to run the test suite, then you must have TCL installed and pass the following flags to configure:


After running make, you will run:


This opens up the TCL shell from where you will run the test suite:

source ../test/test.tcl
run_parallel 5 run_std

So, after the run_parallel 5 run_std command you can run off to watch the entire Lord of the Rings or something. When you get back, you're going to have to build Berkeley DB again. This is because it is not recommended to use Berkeley DB configured with --enable-test on a production system.

So run make realclean and then run configure without the --enable-test flag. You can keep the TCL-related flags if you want to because TCL support in Berkeley DB can still be useful, but we don't want the test suite enabled. After that of course, you continue with building and installing Berkeley DB as normal.


Compile the package:

cd build_unix &&
../dist/configure --prefix=/usr \
    --enable-compat185 --enable-cxx --enable-rpc &&

Install the package

make docdir=/usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21 install &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/db_* /usr/lib/libdb* /usr/include/db* &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/berkeley_db_svc &&
chown -v -R root:root /usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21

Command Explanations

--enable-compat185: This flag makes it so that you can compile or load Berkeley DB 1.85 applications against this release of the Berkeley DB library.

--enable-cxx: Enables the building of the Berkeley DB C++ API.

--enable-rpc: Enables the building of the Berkeley DB RPC client code and server utility.

docdir=/usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21: This tells make to install the documentation in /usr/share/doc instead of the default /usr/docs.

chown -v root:root...: The makefile uses cp -p to install files. As such, the files are owned by the user that built them. So, unless you want that to be the case (as in the package user package management system) you're going to want to chown them to root.



Compile the package:

cd build_unix &&
CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD32}" ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr \
    --enable-compat185 --enable-cxx --enable-rpc &&

Install the package

make docdir=/usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21 install &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/db_* /usr/lib/libdb* /usr/include/db* &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/berkeley_db_svc &&
chown -Rv root:root /usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21


Compile the package:

cd build_unix &&
CC="gcc ${BUILDN32}" CXX="g++ ${BUILDN32}" ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr \
    --libdir=/usr/lib32 --enable-compat185 --enable-cxx --enable-rpc &&

Install the package

make docdir=/usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21 install &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/db_* /usr/lib32/libdb* /usr/include/db* &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/berkeley_db_svc &&
chown -v -R root:root /usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21


Compile the package:

cd build_unix &&
CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" CXX="g++ ${BUILD64}" ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr \
    --libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-compat185 --enable-cxx --enable-rpc &&

Install the package

make docdir=/usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21 install &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/db_* /usr/lib64/libdb* /usr/include/db* &&
chown -v root:root /usr/bin/berkeley_db_svc &&
chown -v -R root:root /usr/share/doc/db-5.3.21