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Introduction to VirtualBox
VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software.
Project Homepage:
- PulseAudio
- Python
- GCC-3.3 (Requred for command 'kmk' while compiling)
Creating the vboxusers Group
groupadd -g 29 vboxusers
Users that are going to use VirtualBox should be added to this group.
Compile VirtualBox:
sed -i "s@/usr/X11R6@${XORG_PREFIX}@g" $(grep -lr /usr/X11R6 *) && sed -i "/PKG_CONFIG_PATH=.*qt4/d" configure --disable-qt3 && ./configure --disable-qt3 && source && kmk
Build the kernel module:
cd out/linux.*/release/bin/src && make
Install the kernel module:
make install
Install VirtualBox:
cd .. && install -m755 -d -v /opt/VirtualBox && cp -av * /opt/VirtualBox
If you downloaded the Guest Additions ISO install that with the following command:
install -m644 -v ../../../../../VBoxGuestAdditions_4.2.16_OSE.iso \ /opt/VirtualBox/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions_OSE.iso
Compile VirtualBox:
sed -i "s@/usr/X11R6@${XORG_PREFIX}@g" $(grep -lr /usr/X11R6 *) && sed -i "/PKG_CONFIG_PATH=.*qt4/d" configure && PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH64}" ./configure --disable-qt3 && source && kmk
Build the kernel module:
cd out/linux.*/release/bin/src && make
Install the kernel module:
make install
Install VirtualBox:
cd .. && install -m755 -d -v /opt/VirtualBox && cp -av * /opt/VirtualBox
If you downloaded the Guest Additions ISO install that with the following command:
install -m644 -v ../../../../../VBoxGuestAdditions_4.2.16_OSE.iso \ /opt/VirtualBox/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions_OSE.iso
The kernel module needs to be loaded for VirtualBox to function. Make sure it gets loaded on boot:
echo "vboxdrv" >> /etc/sysconfig/modules
Also lets create a udev rule so that /dev/vboxdev can be accessed by the users in the vboxusers group.
cat > /etc/udev/rules.d/90-vboxdev.rules << "EOF" KERNEL=="vboxdrv", NAME="vboxdrv", OWNER="root", GROUP="vboxusers", MODE="0660" EOF
Create a helper script that will start VBoxSVC and then execute the specified client:
cat > /opt/VirtualBox/ << "EOF" #!/bin/sh INSTALL_PATH="/opt/VirtualBox" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${INSTALL_PATH}" export USER=$(whoami) if [ ! -c /dev/vboxdrv ]; then echo "/dev/vboxdrv does not exist. Load the kernel module then try again." exit 1 fi if [ ! -r /dev/vboxdrv -o ! -w /dev/vboxdrv ]; then echo "User $USER can not read and/or write to /dev/vboxdrv." exit 1 fi echo "/dev/vboxdrv exists and $USER can access it." SERVER_GET_PID="eval SERVER_PID=$(ps -U $USER | grep VBoxSVC | awk '{ print $1 }')" $SERVER_GET_PID if [ "$1" = "shutdown" -a -n "$SERVER_PID" ]; then echo "Terminating VBoxSVC with PID $SERVER_PID." kill -TERM $SERVER_PID exit 0 fi if [ ! -x "$INSTALL_PATH/VBoxSVC" ]; then echo "$INSTALL_PATH/VBoxSVC does not exist! Can not continue." exit 1 fi APP=$(which $0) APP=${APP##/*/} if [ ! -x "$INSTALL_PATH/$APP" ]; then echo "$INSTALL_PATH/$APP does not exist!" exit 1 fi case "$APP" in VirtualBox|VBoxManage|VBoxSDL|VBoxVRDP) EXEC_APP="$INSTALL_PATH/$APP" ;; *) echo "Unknown application - $APP." ;; esac if [ -z "$SERVER_PID" ]; then rm -rf /tmp/.vbox-$USER-ipc echo "Starting VBoxSVC for $USER." "$INSTALL_PATH/VBoxSVC" --daemonize fi $SERVER_GET_PID if [ -z "$SERVER_PID" ]; then echo "VBoxSVC failed to start! Can not continue" exit 1 fi echo "VBoxSVC is running for user $USER with PID $SERVER_PID." echo "Starting $EXEC_APP." exec "$EXEC_APP" "$@" EOF
A script similar to the one above is shipped with the binary version.
Link the binaries we want to run to the script:
for file in VirtualBox VBoxManage VBoxSDL VBoxVRDP; do [ -f "/opt/VirtualBox/$file" ] && ln -sfv "../../opt/VirtualBox/" "/usr/bin/$file" done
Create a desktop file:
cat > /usr/share/applications/VirtualBox.desktop << "EOF" [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=4.2.16 Name=InnoTek VirtualBox GenericName=Virtual Machine Type=Application Comment=Run several virtual systems on a single host computer Exec=VirtualBox TryExec=VirtualBox Path= Icon=/opt/VirtualBox/VBox.png Categories=Application;Emulator;System EOF